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Hihi ... 
Vous me pardonnerez le jeu de mot un peu facile, 
c'était trop tentant !! 

La plume n'est pas synthétique, c'est une vraie. 


© Saucisseintrinseque / The Sausage
2013. Tous droits de reproduction interdits

bague robin des bois

Bague ROBIN DES DOIGTS, chapeau miniature de Robin des Bois

40,00 €Prix
  • A small contribution, to the best idea : 
    stealing from the rich, to give to the poor ... 


    Although I disapprove of stealing, I approve 
    of justice in this world. 


    Come on, you billionnaires. 
    Stop being selfish, open your eyes and make 
    giant donations. You can do it, this will increase 
    your fame and decrease the dryness of your heart. 
    Don't sit on it. 


    Embrace robinhoodedness ! 

    Wear this ring if you agree ! 


    © The Sausage Jewels 
    2013. All Rights Reserved.

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